Welcome Johannes!, 01.02.2025

Johannes Kündiger
We are excited to announce that Johannes Kündiger has joined the Wischke Lab as a PhD candidate within the AgriPoly II graduate school. His research at Wischke Lab is part of a twinning project with the research group of Prof. Dariush Hinderberger (MLU, Institute of Chemistry, Physical Chemistry). Johannes will explore strategies for sustainable microplastic-free materials for microencapsulation. We are delighted to welcome Johannes to our team and look forward to his success and contributions!
Welcome Seyhmus!, 15.01.2025

Seyhmus Bayar
We are pleased to announce that Mr. Seyhmus Bayar has joined the Wischke lab as a postdoctoral researcher within the Thera4Age project. Seyhmus brings a strong background in ageing, neuroscience, and immunology. At the Wischke Lab, Seyhmus will focus on investigating drug carrier systems in senescent immune cells. We are excited to have him join our team and look forward to the valuable contributions he will make to our research!
Wischke Lab joined AGRIPOLY II Graduate School!, 03.12.2024

Wischke Lab has joined the Polymer’s track of the AGRIPOLY II Graduate School at Martin-Luther University, which focuses on training PhD candidates in sustainability topics related to polymers. Funding is provided by the European Union and the State of Saxony-Anhalt (EFRE-SA) until the end of 2027. The graduate school aims to promote new concepts such as the circular use of plastics and bio-based alternative materials, while also fostering international research collaboration and supporting the development of young scientists.
Welcome Ece!, 15.11.2024

Enise Ece Gürdal
We are happy to welcome Dr. Enise Ece Gürdal to our team as the scientific coordinator of Thera4Age. Ece brings valuable experience in pharmaceutical sciences and administrative skills from her previous role as Vice Dean at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Yeditepe University in Istanbul. Her skills will be playing an important role while we work on new therapeutic strategies within the Thera4Age consortium. We look forward to working with you, Ece!
Exciting News: Thera4Age Project Funded!, 11.11.2024

Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) has launched the ‘Thera4Age’ research consortium to develop innovative therapeutic approaches for age-related diseases such as cancer and chronic wounds. Funding is provided by European Union and the State of Saxony-Anhalt (EFRE-SA), with the projects running until the end of 2027. Led by spokesperson Prof. Dr. Christian Wischke and co-spokesperson Prof. Dr. Andreas Simm, the consortium integrates expertise from pharmacy, medicine, nutrition, and medical physics to advance innovative solutions for enhancing healthcare for seniors.
Young Scientist Lecture Award for Yusuf, 18.10.2024

DGBM, Oct. 2024
Yusuf Dursun won the first price (shared) at the Young Scientist Forum of the Annual Meeting of the German Society of Biomaterials in Berlin! His presentation was covering his work on the microfluidic synthesis of stimuli-sensitive microgel particles. Congratulations Yusuf, we are so proud of your success!
Welcome Lars!, 01.10.2024

Lars Hubert
Lars Hubert proposed an interdisciplinary research project for his PhD studies, linking material science to cardiovascular applications of multifunctional drug carrier systems. Lars just started to perform his first experimental work. Welcome in our lab!
Welcome Erasmus exchange students from University of Cork, September 2024

Erasmus students Lorna Fortune and Emmet Treacy
As Erasmus coordinator of the Institute of pharmacy, Professor Wischke organizes international student exchange including a corporation with university of Cork, Ireland. This student exchange has started in 2023 with some outgoing students. Now, the first incoming students from University of Cork – Lorna Fortune and Emmet Treacy – arrived in Halle. Lorna will spend her four months internship at the Wischke lab. Lorna, we are happy to have you.
DAAD visiting scientist - Prof. Jamal Alkrad from Isra University/Jordan, August 2024

Prof. J. Alkrad with Prof. C. Wischke
Professor won a DAAD grand to visit the Wischke Lab and conduct research on microemulsions for transdermal drug delivery.
Athletics! - How our PhD students earned top ranking, July 2024

Lionletics 2024

Lionletics 2024
Laura, Simon, Yusuf – together with Linus from the Kessler lab – participated in the LIONLETICS competition of University of Halle. It was truly an incredible performance. Out of more than 130 teams, some of them with professional athletes, they earned rank 5! This is was what our scientists can do.
Excellent Master thesis defense, July 2024

Defense Javier Basalo Lourido July 2024
Javier Basalo Lourido is number 1. Javier is the first student who defended a master thesis conducted at the Wischke lab since its installation at University of Halle. In an excellent performance, Javier reported about his results on enzyme kinetics and hydrogel synthesis.
Welcome Mohammad - postdoc in biomedical engineering and 3-D printing, March 2024

Sayed Mohammad Hossein Mirmusavi
Recently, Dr. Mohammad H. Mirmusavi joined our group. Mohammad has a background in biomedical engineering, electrospinning, 3-D printing, and entrepreneurship. He will focus on hybrid technologies to prepare microstructure devices and drug carrier systems.
WELCOME MARTIN, 15.01.2024

Martin Herbst
Martin Herbst successfully competed for a stipend of the state Saxony-Anhalt for excellent graduate students. He decided to conduct his PhD project on particle-based vaccines in the WischkeLab in close cooperation with the group of Prof. Kessler. Welcome!
DIPLOMA THESES: Our latest candidates, 04.12.2023
The Wischke lab offers research opportunities for students of
Pharmaceutical Sciences that add an extra research project to their curriculum after completing their state examination degree. This term, we welcome Theresia Sondermann, Johannes Kluge, and Maryam Esmaeili as
Dipl. pharm. candidates!

Florian Störmann defended his thesis at University of Potsdam with an excellent performance. The work of this thesis was conducted in the Wischke lab @Hereon and explored size and shape switchable particles. Congratulations Florian!!!
WELCOME JAVIER, 06.02.2023
We are happy to have Javier Basalo as a Master student in our lab, who is conducting his Master thesis project on enzymatic systems in cooperation with the Pietzsch lab @MLU.
WELCOME SIMON, 30.01.2023
Starting January 2023, Simon has taken the post as another doctoral student in the Wischke lab @MLU. He will work on porosity of drug delivery systems. A warm welcome!
Daniela Radzik recently joint the Wischke Lab as member of the group of technical staff. Daniela will coordinate the set up of further labs and manage lab operation. Given her multiple years of experience in polymer synthesis, processing and characterization including interface analysis and electron microscopy, we are looking forward to her contributions in several running research projects. Welcome Daniela!
WELCOME YUSUF, 15.02.2022

Starting February 2022, Yusuf Dursun joint the team of the Wischke lab as a doctoral student. Yusuf will work with droplet-based microfluidics to prepare hybrid particles, which should be studied as a delivery platform for various sensitive molecules. Welcome Yusuf, and a good start!
WELCOME LAURA, 13.01.2022

As of January 2022, we welcome Laura Unverzagt as first doctoral student in the Wischke lab. Laura will explore concepts for a codelivery of different bioactive principles in a strictly localized manner based on a current medical need.
Prof. Dr. Deniz Ceylan Tuncaboylu, a former member of the Wischke lab @Hereon, has won the TUBA-GEBİP award of the Turkey Acadaemy of Sciences for outstanding young scientists. Deniz is now located at Bezmialem Vakıf University in Istanbul ( ). In the Wischke Lab @Hereon, Deniz explored e.g. the on-demand release of various proteins from shape-switchable container systems, which might be of interest as implant systems for chemoattraction in regenerative therapies.
WISCHKE LAB AT MLU, 03.08.2021
Starting in August 2021, Prof. Dr. Christian Wischke moved his research activities to University of Halle-Wittenberg. The Wischke lab will be continuously build up with a research profile covering a range of topics associated to the design, fabrication and functional evaluation of multifunctional polymer-based carrier systems.